Sunday, June 10, 2007

Groove Business Case #2 - from a bright idea halfway across the world

We all know how important security is in a world that is ripe with those that wish to make a mockery of the benefits of technology thus we have firewalls, passwords, intranets, and layers of protection that sometimes do more to hinder creativity and communication than we would like. That means that our companies have had to make it harder for those to get at our intellectual property & client information and for good reason. So when I was recently stuck in an airport between flights I became acutely aware that I had the answer to a bottleneck in a process and how much I wanted to get a matter dealt with but didn't want to risk going through our servers through an ISP I wouldn't know and couldn't necessarily trust.

Voila Groove!

Using my Groove account on my laptop and that of a colleague I desperately needed to communicate with, I had my documents being reviewed and discussing changes LIVE while the airline decided how many more parts they would ship down to the airport before giving up and putting us more than 12 hours behind schedule. Needless to say the rest of the crew was brought up to speed on the same Groove workspace and the project was back on track. We synched the documents with our Sharepoint server and the rest, as they say, is history.

Okay except for the part where I arrived at my destination at 3 in the morning with a meeting scheduled at 7:30 a.m. Yeah Groove fixed that too. I put a msg out to my client with whom I had a workspace set up to show him our progress and he gladly gave me that extra 30 minutes I lovingly spent catching up on emails.

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